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Friday, October 23, 2020


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Alice Verbeek

Very interesting to read. My husband was on dialysis for 2 years after he had his kidneys removed because of infections in his kidneys that could not be resolved.
He had Polycystic kidney disease. His last few months he was on home hemodialysis. He really liked being at home for dialysis.

Peter Laird, MD

Home dialysis is the preferred modality in many nations. American dialysis has been thwarted by large dialysis corporations filled with the bottom line profits in mind instead of providing the best options for patients. We have had very little innovation in dialysis compared to the rapid advances seen in the other specialties. It is time that the wonder of life saving dialysis become the vision the Dr. Scribner had with his noble experiment in the 1960's. Most of our important innovations in dialysis actually occurred in the 60's and early 70's. In fact, many received superior dialysis in the 1960's for 8 hrs, thrice weekly instead of 3-4 hours thrice weekly that is standard today.

I never met Dr Scribner, but I am motivated by his selflessness and devotion to his patients as Nancy Spaeth still testifies today. She started dialysis December 26, 1966 and is still doing well today. Dr. Robin Eady was also one of the longest living dialysis patients who started with Dr. Scribner as well. His vision of this modality could be put to so much better use today, especially in the home environment than is used today.

We can do better and we should do better.

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