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Sunday, April 01, 2012


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Melville Hodge

It is interesting to note that the default settings on a Fresenius 2008K machine is a UFR/hour of 1000 (3 Kg over 3 hours), which would result in a UFR/Kg of over 10 for anyone under 100 Kg. A few weeks ago I made the mistake of neglecting to set the machine, which removed 170 ml in 10 minutes before I caught the error. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to have the default changed. Used to dialyze hundreds of thousands of people, this otherwise good machine is not a fail-safe device!

Our typical UFR/Kg is about 1.5 on 6x 8:45 nocturnal.

Mel Hodge

Peter Laird, MD

Ultrafiltration rate is one of the most important predictors of mortality that we have and easily managed by longer and slower dialysis treatments best accomplished as you demonstrate Mel at home on nocturnal sessions.

jill  aka boswife

Can you tell me what IS a "good" ufr? Weather it be .5 or 2.5 for take off, im wondering how high you should NOT go.. On nxStage, we run from 0.025- 0.68 depending on the amt to be taken off. I wish i was better w/numbers but sadly, throwing a ml or Kg at the end of them throws me :(

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