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Friday, March 30, 2012


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I do hope that you still plan on given further detail on your opinions of this case. I am shocked at the decision. The more I search, the more bad press I find about DaVita as a corporation. Please read: http://www.farces.com/index.php/hasten/comments/davita_under_fire_for_epogen_overuse

I really thought that *SOMETHING* occurred in Lufkin, Texas but I tought we would find DaVita as a whole guilty - NOT just one employee.


Peter Laird, MD

Dear R, since the penalty phase of the trial is coming up and most likely a lengthy appeal, I may not after all be able to speak openly as I had hoped. I truly thought that there was reasonable doubt but the jury has spoken and we all have to abide by their judgement whether we agree or disagree. I still respect our system.

Roberta Mikles BA RN

I, too, am greatly shocked at the jury's decision. Many of us believe, and still do, that this nurse is innocent and was a scapegoat for Davita.

Davita certainly should be held accountable considering all that came out in the trial.

It is sad to think that someone innocent might be put to death -- very sad --
in the least, maybe this will send a message, to all those who work incenter, that policies and procedures MUST be followed ---that this too could happen to you, a dialysis staff
OPINIONS of Roberta Mikles

Roberta Mikles BA RN

Please note that the comment by "R" was NOT posted by me -- I am posting this as I have received several emails with the thought that I posted such.
Roberta Mikles, RN
Director, Advocates4QualitySafePatientCare.co


DaVita is a very shady company. I am glad I left when I did. The care that the patients received is substandard.

Roberta Mikles BA RN

To read more Davita surveys, in California, go to www.qualitysafepatientcare.com

Indeed there are some units that provide substandard care ---

opinion of Roberta Mikles

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