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Sunday, October 30, 2011


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My neph's nurse once told me that cholesterol meds seemed to work better when taken in the evening, so I've been doing that for some years now, but no one has ever discussed the timing of BP meds with me. I take three, so I will follow this advice and take at least one at night. Thank you for posting this. I'll start my new schedule tomorrow night!

Peter Laird, MD

Dear Moosemom, that should ordinarily be fine, but as in all things medical, double check with your doctor on which meds you are on that you should take during the day or at night. If it doesn't matter what time you take it, then according to this study, it appears that night time is the best. It makes sense to have the highest levels of meds for the morning when the normal circadian rhythms place the body under the most stress instead of having them at their lowest levels.

Once again, I would recommend you check with your health care team.

God bless,



Oh, I'll do that! But I find it rather odd that no one has ever discussed this issue with me. When my neph prescribed binders, he never said anything about timing; I had to read the patient info pamphlet to discover that I shouldn't take any other meds either one hour before or 3 hours after taking the binders. Would have been nice to have been warned. Not everyone reads those pamphlets.

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